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Calamity Days are days that school is called off due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. Not all Calamity Days are Snow Days, but Snow Days do make up the vast majority. A Calamity Day might also be caused by a power outage, flooding, fire, lack of running water etc.
If your home school is called off due to a Calamity Day due to Snow or weather, do not attend the home school or the program school. DO NOT DRIVE TO THE PROGRAM SCHOOL. If your program school is called off due to a Calamity Day that is not weather related, attend the home school but not the program school. If Norton is called off due to a non weather related Calamity Day, there may be a change in the bus hub location that day on the NHS campus that Bus drivers will be aware of. If Norton is called off for a weather related day all Compact busing will be shut down. Students will be given excused absences for times when access to school provided transportation becomes limited.
In the event of a two hour delay, students attending the home school operating under the delay are not required or expected to report to their program school for any Career Tech classes beginning before 9:30. The second Compact Bus run will take place as usual in the delayed district (9:15 CHS, 9:30 NHS, 9:20 WHS). Normal bus runs will continue in all districts throughout the rest of the day.
Parents and students can check the Four Cities Compact website, Facebook Page and sign up for Remind text messages for information and instructions in the event of a school cancelation(s).