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During the 1970's, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) directed districts to form Career Tech Planning Districts (CTPD). There are currently 91 CTPDs in the state. There are three types of CTPD and every school district belongs to one and every student in the state has opportunities to participate in Career Technical Education.
The first and most commonly known type of CTPD is a Joint Vocational School district (JVSD - Often referred to as JVS). Member or Associate districts send students to the JVS for Career Tech Education. The JVS may be called a "Career Center" or something similar. A JVS is a full fledged school district. In addition to having their own building(s), the JVSDs also have a school board, superintendent, etc. Typically they also have levies of 1 or 2 (or more) mils that are assessed to every homeowner in every district they serve to pay for the JVS. There are 49 JVSDs in the state.
The second form of a CTPD is a single district. Many school districts, mostly the larger ones, handle all Career Tech Education within the district. Some of them even have a designated school for CTE. For example, Cleveland's CTE school is Max Hayes High School. There are 27 single district CTPDs.
Finally, the third format is a Compact such as ours. A Compact consists of two or more districts that share in providing CTE to students. In a Compact, the programs are housed in one or more of the member (associate) high schools. Students from all schools in the Compact are given opportunities to attend programs housed in other districts. Students may attend two different high schools each day. The benefits of a Compact are primarily financial as there is no additional millage assessed to residents for CTE specifically.