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The Four Cities Compact provides career development services to the 4 school districts that it serves. The goal of the the program is to assist participating district students, parents and educators about career pathways, career clusters, educational and career options. Developing skills decision making and goal setting plus how attitudes, attendance and work habits plan a part in the future. These skills are developed through assessing, exploring, researching and planning activities.
Elementary School Links | Career Town |
Know it All | |
Cyber Security | |
Cool Math for Kids | |
VentureLab Workbook | |
Middle School Links |
Ohio Means Jobs |
Texas Reality Check | |
OMJ 6-8 Grade Career Advising Resources
High School Links | |
OMJ 9-12 Grade Career Advising Resources
Learn to CODE | code.org |
Khan Academy | |
Codecademy | |
Scratch | |
Alice | |
Coding Bat | |
Computer Coding For Kids |